
Overview of Marijuana The History of Marijuana Use Throughout Time Cannabis is now entering the mainstream, with legalization spreading rapidly across the globe. We don't just smoke it, we smoke it in bongs, pipes, joints, we vape it, eat it in cookies, mints, honey, butter, drink weed tea, basically consume it using any possible method we can think of.   But this golden age of cannabis hasn't always been upon us, marijuana has taken a long journey to get to where it is today. The First Users of Marijuana Cannabis was mostly used medicinally after its discover was made, reports as far back as 2727 BC indicate it was used by Chinese emperor Shen Nung, and by 500 BC was a commonly used herb in Asia.It's uses were mainly medicinal, being used to treat things such as; inflammation, gout, depression, and used as a pain killer. But it wasn't only used for its medicinal purposes, there were also cultures who used it for its psychoactive properties. Surpris